What type of scoring is displayed on this site?
The points-per-game calculations are based off the scoring settings for the primary Dynasty league that I participate in. These settings are designed to more closely track the WAR calculation, so may not be entirely reflective of your own league's settings. If you are interested in a copy of this tool designed specifically for your league, please see the "Request Tool" section above.
What are the "Prospect Rankings"?
The Prospect Rankings are the most recent set of Dynasty Rankings from a popular Fantasy Baseball publication. They are not intended to be my own personal rankings.
Why is a player showing up in a lower league than they are truly in?
To prevent outliers in the FPG presentation, a player's current league is the most recent one that they've played 8+ games in. If a player is promoted from AAA from AA, their AA stats will continue to be reflected until they've played in 8 games at AAA.
What if I am interested in receiving a copy of this tool in Google Sheets?
Please complete the form in the Request Tool section above.
What if I am interested in receiving a copy of this data, hosted online like the data presented on this website?
Please complete the form in the Request Tool section above.
What do the 'Scores' in the Categories tables represent?
Calculating an equivalent 'score' for categories is slightly more complicated than for points leagues. The scores I present reflect how a player measures against league-average in each of the 5 primary categories - statistically speaking, this amounts to finding the z-scores for each player against the competition in their current league. I have normalized the data such that an 'Average' player has a score of 100 - so above 100 is above average, and vice versa.